f you are planning on entering your cattle in a special sale in the near future, bring them to us first; and we will feed them into sale shape and have the health papers prepared for shipping to the sale location. We feed many bulls of various breeds annually for special breeding bull sales. The same goes for your females that are going to special sales.
In a day when ranch labor is so hard to find and retail feed prices are so high, informed ranchers have discovered the advantage to selecting us to grow and develop their replacement heifers and bulls. Our customers normally send their heifer and bull crops to us at weaning so we can put them in a weaned-calf health program. The calves are put on feed in large traps so they can move freely yet eat in a twice-fed daily bunk-fed program. At puberty, the heifers are returned to the customer's ranch for natural breeding or can be placed in our AI program here at Brown Ranch. Additionally, our facilities work well for ultra-sound technology to determine ribeye size. Bulls are fed on a gain test from the time they arrive until the owner decides to market them. Most bulls will gain from 3 to 4 pounds per day during their stay here.